
Police Shoot and Kill Dog in Front of Owner

A California police officer shot a Rottweiler to death when it attacked him and his fellow officers after they arrested the dog's owner. According to a report from the Huffington Post, the dog owner, Leon Rosby was taking video of police officers in Hawthorne, California, as they barricaded a house. Rosby's attorney, Michael Gulden, said he plans to file a lawsuit against the Hawthorne Police Department. Another bystander behind Rosby was recording him, and can be heard saying that Rosby asked the police why there weren't any African American cops present. This drew the attention of two Hawthorne police officers, who started to approach Rosby. Rosby can then be seen putting his dog, which looks like a Rottweiler, into his car and voluntarily putting his hands behind his back to be arrested. As he was being handcuffed by the officers, the dog started barking and jumped out of the car. As the dog approached the officers, barking, the police shot the dog several times. Police said they had no choice but to shoot as the dog lunged toward them.
Source: Alan M
Police Shoot and Kill Dog in Front of Owner Police Shoot and Kill Dog in Front of Owner Reviewed by gametrainer on 11:29 PM Rating: 5

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